BeginnersPC Tips

Top 10 Tips for Computer Users

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Using a new computer can be daunting, as there are so many things to learn about computers and how to use them. Here are ten top tips to help new computer users feel more comfortable using their computers.
Backup important data

Your computer or hard drive can fail at any time and without warning. When that happens, you will lose all your personal documents, letters, photos, music, and videos, and in many cases they cannot be recovered or cost a lot of money. So make sure you have backups of all your important data in case your computer fails.

computer protection

Make sure your computer is protected from electrical surges, blackouts, and power outages. At the very least, every computer user should have a decent surge protector on their computer and phone line if they use a modem. Surge protectors can help protect your computer during a power storm, and can save you hundreds of dollars in repair costs if it is damaged. It’s a good idea to have computers on a UPS, which can help prevent damage to the computer during a power surge or blackout.

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