For people who own a laptop and use it most of the time, it is necessary to take into consideration the age and efficiency of the battery of their laptop and not let the continuous use of the laptop distract them from the level of the battery that this laptop is fed by and work to increase its life and reduce the damage that may occur to it with simple steps that may make a difference, even a little, in the level and life of your battery, God willing.
You can benefit, God willing, from these tips when you want to preserve your laptop battery. Apply them until you get the ideal and desired result.
- Do not connect the charger while the battery is in the device if you are using the laptop. Rather, it is preferable to remove it as long as you are using the laptop and the charger is connected to electricity.
- Do not charge the battery if it is slightly depleted. Rather, it is preferable to work on the device until the battery is depleted or at least 20% of it, then recharge it again, because rushing to charge the battery before it is discharged leads gradually to damage to part of the battery and not being able to benefit from it later and charge it again.
- Avoid wrong actions such as sticking a cooler next to the battery or the like. All of this is useless and wrong, so avoid it.
- Try to use the 80-20 method as much as you can, which means that the laptop battery should not be less than 20% and not more than 80% when charging.
- If you want to store the battery, do not store it empty. It is preferable to store it with a charge of 20 to 50%.
- You must leave some space for ventilation at the bottom of the device and do not place it in a place that blocks the ventilation holes and exposes it to rapid heat.
- When you work on the device, make sure to close all programs and files that you do not need, such as Office programs, which consume a large part of the battery.
- If the battery is about to run out, it is preferable to remove all attached devices such as the mouse and keyboard in case you want to reduce the battery drain time.
- Be careful not to leave the battery idle for a long period, because not charging and discharging the battery continuously can cause it to fail permanently due to the battery not completing its natural cycle of charging and discharging.
- Of course, we do not need to remind you of this point, which is to avoid placing your device in any place with a relatively high temperature or direct exposure to sunlight.
- Avoid not putting CDs or DVDs when they are not needed.
- Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you don’t need them to save some power for your device’s battery.
- It is recommended to reduce the screen brightness level as much as possible because it consumes battery power, and once you reduce the lighting, you will notice the difference, but as I told you, as much as possible because continuous reduction of lighting may tire your eyes.
- Keep in mind that everything related to technology has a lifespan and you should not exceed it for a long period. For example, the lifespan of a battery is 3 years, so it is preferable to change it after this period.