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How to protect yourself from different types of viruses

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If you are suffering from computer viruses, it is important to know what types they are and how to deal with them. In this easy guide, you will learn about the most important types of computer viruses and the best ways to prevent and get rid of them if they happen.

How to prevent types of viruses

Using antivirus software is one of the best ways to protect your computer from all types of viruses. These programs can detect and remove viruses before they can cause any damage to your computer. Antivirus software should be updated regularly to get the latest updates and protect against new viruses. Therefore, it is important to have antivirus software on your computer and deal with it properly.

Email viruses (SPAM)

Email viruses are viruses that spread through email, as the name suggests. They are known in English as (Email Viruses). This type of virus is considered one of the most dangerous types. It steals computer or phone information. It may also aim to disrupt communications and productivity for companies and government institutions. These viruses are classified as annoying and display unwanted advertising messages. If you receive an email from an unfamiliar source. And you think that this email is suspicious and suspicious. You should follow the following steps:

  • It is recommended not to open messages from unknown or suspicious sources, as they may contain harmful viruses that may damage your computer or steal your information.
  • If you have to open the message, make sure not to open any attachments inside it, such as images or files. The main goal of these annoying messages (SPAM) is to steal your information through malicious viruses and damage your computer or smartphone.
  • One of the important ways to combat this type of virus is to install anti-virus programs on your device. These programs can detect malware in emails and warn you about them.
  • If your email is hacked, hurry up change your password, and activate the two-step verification feature. For the safety of your information stored in the email. Such as correspondence, storage accounts, or attachments.
  • To reduce these unethical methods, which in turn cause a lot of inconvenience and damage. Report these fake messages, so that they can be blocked.

In general, you should be careful before entering any suspicious email, so that you do not become a victim of spammers.

Types of computer malware viruses

Malware viruses

Malware refers to programs that aim to infiltrate your computer without your knowledge. This happens primarily when you download programs from unknown sources. Some of the most common viruses that fall into this category are ransomware, worm scripts, and others.

To protect your computer from these viruses, you must do the following:

  • Install antivirus and protection programs: Many antivirus programs protect you from these malicious programs, whose goal is to steal or destroy information. Antivirus programs can be used to limit the infiltration of viruses into your computer without your knowledge.
  • Keep up with updates: You should also update your Windows or Android system to solve security vulnerabilities and fix loopholes. It is also important to update the programs and applications that you may have downloaded on your device.
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links: You must check the links you click on, as they may carry some type of these virus.
  • Avoid connecting to public networks: It is also important to avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks. Your device can be hacked through the network and viruses can be transmitted to it.

Ransomware is one of the most dangerous viruses on the computer. It encrypts all files with a password and you cannot access them again unless you pay the required ransom. We also advise against paying any ransom to parties that are trying to blackmail you with information that may have been stolen. Because this will not guarantee the return of your data. And it will not guarantee that it will happen again.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Resume Virus

It is also known as CV Virus. This type of virus targets CV files or personal documents, which you send via email or download from various means of communication. It is difficult to detect these viruses. They use modern techniques to hide from security systems and infiltrate the computer.

To protect yourself from Resume Viruses, you should do the following:

  • Download personal files and documents from trusted sources. Always check the sources of files before downloading them, to ensure they are not infected with viruses.
  • Use antivirus software to combat this type of virus and update it regularly. So that there is no room for errors or security vulnerabilities.
  • You must enable the firewall on your computer to control incoming and outgoing connections and avoid those viruses from infiltrating your device.
  • You should check file extensions before downloading them to your computer. By checking the extension you can identify suspicious files and avoid them.

Invisible Device Viruses

Invisible device viruses are malicious programs that target smart devices, electronic devices, and things connected to the Internet.

There are many examples of these viruses. Some of them are:

  • IoT Viruses: These are viruses that attack all devices connected to the Internet and smart devices. They cause much damage.
  • Screen Covering Viruses: These viruses block the screen with an image or text. They encrypt all data with a password. They demand ransom from their victims.
  • Phishing Viruses: These are viruses that target user data and personal information that may have been stored on electronic devices, with the aim of blackmailing and manipulating users.
  • SMS Viruses: These are viruses that have been programmed to send a large number of text messages, which cause annoyance.

To protect yourself from these invisible viruses, install an antivirus program on your computer. Avoid downloading programs or files from untrusted sites or sources.

Phishing viruses

Also known as (Phishing Viruses). It is malicious software that aims to steal personal information or bank accounts. This happens by creating web pages that are identical to the official ones. And they are sent to the victim. When he enters the link that was sent to him, he will be redirected directly to the page whose aim is to steal the information.

One of the most important ways to protect yourself from phishing viruses is to not click on suspicious and unreliable links. You should also always check links before clicking on them and pay attention to extensions.

Types of Spyware Viruses

It is a malicious program that spies on Internet users, for unethical purposes such as stealing personal and financial information or just for fun.

Some names of these viruses are Adware, Trojan, and Backdoor. To protect yourself from them, you should follow the following tips:

  • Use antivirus software to combat this type of virus and update it regularly. So that there is no room for errors or security vulnerabilities.
  • You must enable the firewall on your computer to control incoming and outgoing connections and avoid those viruses from infiltrating your device.
  • Avoid connecting to public networks: It is also important to avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks. Your device can be hacked through the network and viruses can be transmitted to it.
  • Follow up on updates: You should also update your Windows, Android, or other systems such as iOS, to solve security vulnerabilities and fix loopholes. It is also important to update the programs and applications that you may have downloaded on your device.

The bottom line is that there are many dangerous viruses on the Internet. You should always follow the steps and tips to avoid falling for them. It is important to download antivirus programs and activate the firewall. And be careful about fraudulent sites and phishing links.

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