If you are a small business owner or organization, you will want to manage your company’s finances well, especially expenses, income, profit, and loss. Many commercial programs do these tasks, but you must purchase them first.
Today I present to you GnuCash, a free accounting program that applies the double-entry system in its accounts. The goal of its development was initially to develop a program with capabilities similar to the famous Quicken program from Intuit, in addition to features for small business accounting.
GNU CASH History
GNU Cash is not a new program, as its development began in 1997, the first stable version was released in 1998, small business accounting features were added to it in 2001, it was ported to Windows in 2007, and the GNU Cash version for Android was announced in 2012, which is an expense tracking application that accompanies the original GNU Cash program.
A statistic for the number of GNU Cash downloads in 2018 showed that it was downloaded more than 6.3 million times since its release on SourceForge.
This long history of development and the number of users reassure us about the continuity of the program and its safety for use in institutions and small companies.
GNU Cash Features
I will now review the most important features of GNU Cash.
Works on different platforms Linux, Windows and Mac
A double entry system is used to control accounts.
The double entry system is an accounting term and is considered the basic and standard system used by business companies and other organizations to record their financial transactions. This system is called the double entry system because every financial transaction is recorded in at least two accounts: one debit (with an open m and a broken ya) (which is the account of the taker or receiver), and another credit (which is the account of the giver or deliverer) so that the total of the debit accounts is equal to the total of the credit accounts.
The register system for entering financial transactions is smooth and easy.
Allows you to separate transactions and mark them as cleared or settled.
Ability to auto-fill and customize the display method.
Scheduled Transactions
GNU Cash allows you to create and customize scheduled transactions with automatic alerts.
![[Scheduled transactions]](https://gnucash.org/images/features/feature_SX.png)
Reports and graphical statistics
GNU Cash comes with a full suite of customizable reports including Profit & Loss, Accounts Sheet ,and more.
settlement disclosure
It allows the user to compare the transactions recorded in the account register with the bank statement to detect errors and unrecorded transactions so that the transaction statement matches the bank statement.
Types of expense and income accounts
According to the classification, it allows you to classify the financial flow and create various reports about it.
![[jqplot barchart]](https://gnucash.org/images/2.6-release/2.6-jqplot-reports.png)
Advantages of small business accounting

Such as facilitating the management and tracking of customers, suppliers, tasks, billing, payments, taxes and payment terms.

With the use of payable and entry accounts, employee salaries can be managed.

GNU Cash also provides a tool for managing the organization’s budget.
Support multiple currencies between accounts and in double entry
Supports import and export in QIF format used in Quicken and OFX, a protocol used in banks to exchange financial information. GNU Cash also supports the HBCI protocol used in Germany.
Transaction Researcher
Where a transaction can be easily searched through the transaction searcher.
Check printing
Checks can be printed in standard formats on popular check papers and the check layout can be customized and developed as needed.
Excellent documentation covers all aspects of the program.
Unfortunately, the documents are not available in Arabic due to the small number of Arab users, but we hope that the situation will improve in the future, God willing.
Android version to track expenses

To download the program from here