
7 Tips to Extend Your Laptop Battery’s Life

Image Credit: Pixaby

How to maintain the laptop battery, especially since the battery is an essential element that must be taken care of, but many people ignore it and focus on other elements such as RAM, screen resolution, and processor power. Although these elements are very important for any device, when we talk about a laptop, we must not forget the battery, which is the source of its strength. Without it, you will have a fixed computer. Therefore, we will try to cover in this article some important points and tips that if you follow, you will be able to maintain the laptop battery, extend its life, and make it last for a long time. Here are 7 simple tips for maintaining the laptop battery.

How to maintain laptop battery
Often, while working on something on the laptop, we find that the battery charge has reached zero, and then we run quickly in search of the nearest socket to connect the charger, this is not good at all, and although companies are developing and improving batteries to work with great efficiency until the laptop battery has become able to work for many hours on a single charge, there is a problem that cannot be solved, as batteries age over time and become unable to work as before, however, there are some effective procedures and tips that if you implement them, will give your device’s battery the ability to work efficiently for the longest possible period, including:

Prevent full discharge
Use battery-saving mode
Maintain battery temperature
Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Reduce screen brightness
Install the latest operating system
 Stop battery-hogging apps

1. Prevent Full Discharge
The first thing you should keep in mind to extend the life of your laptop battery is that you should not let the charge reach zero, in other words, do not completely discharge the battery. Although most new laptop batteries are either lithium polymer or lithium ion, so they are designed to be able to withstand repeated charging cycles, since these batteries have a limited number of charge-discharge cycles, completely discharging them is very likely to reduce their lifespan. The only time you should allow a battery to completely run out is when you replace it and install a new battery.

2. Use Battery Saver Mode
Current laptops give you the option to enable several power-saving features to extend the battery life. However, since everything comes at a price, you will have to bear a noticeable loss in performance if you are a gamer who plays high-end games or uses the laptop for intensive tasks. But if you are using the device normally like opening your Facebook account, browsing the web, or even playing videos, you will not notice much difference. In Windows laptops, you can enable Battery Saver Mode which conserves the laptop battery and increases its lifespan. To enable this mode, click on the battery level in the taskbar and then drag the slider towards the left side to get the best battery performance.

Image Credit: Pixaby

3. Maintain the battery temperature
Cold or hot weather doesn’t just affect us, even devices like laptops are affected by extreme hot or cold weather conditions, and more importantly, it severely damages the battery in your device and may shorten its lifespan, as high or low temperatures can cause the laptop to work harder than usual, which may drain the average lifespan of the laptop battery faster. Therefore, if you want to preserve your laptop battery, you need to avoid using the device in extreme temperatures, whether very hot or cold.

4. Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
We rely a lot on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in our laptops to connect to the Internet or to connect to other devices, but leaving Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on without needing them means draining the laptop’s battery, so it is better to turn them off from time to time if you no longer need them, and even if you use Wi-Fi all the time to connect to the Internet, you can disable Bluetooth only, and this step will undoubtedly work to save your device’s battery life and preserve the laptop’s battery for a longer time.

5. Reduce screen brightness
If you are wondering how to preserve your laptop battery, one of the simple tips that can help is to reduce and reduce the brightness of the device’s screen, as most of us resort to increasing the brightness of the laptop screen to get a better view and higher viewing, but excessive use of brightness is one of the basic elements that work to eat up the battery charge excessively and shorten its lifespan, so you need to reduce the screen brightness and make it work normally. Moreover, you can change the display settings so that the screen turns off when you are not using the device to extend the battery life and make it work efficiently for a long time.

6. Install the latest operating system
When you upgrade and install a new operating system, this not only means new features but also brings an update in the performance of the laptop and makes applications and programs run more efficiently and with less power, thus preserving the battery. Moreover, updating the operating system may provide a smart charging mode that can increase the efficiency of the way your laptop is charged, so you must download the latest operating system on your device when a new version is available.

7. Stop battery-hogging apps
You may not be aware of this, but many apps on your laptop tend to quickly reduce battery life even when you are not using them. These apps continue to run in the background without you realizing it. To find out which apps are consuming your battery power heavily, go to Settings on your device, then click on Battery and search for the apps that are hogging your battery power and stop them from running. This will help increase battery life and make your laptop run for as long as possible without any problems.

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